
Heating Tip, Oxygen/LPG, Type 44, COMET

SKU: 306034


COMET Heating Tips Oxygen/LPG, Oxygen/Natural Gas deliver up to 40 MJ/hr. Featuring compact simple design for ease of use and cleaning. Made with copper to easily conduct heat away from the tip face, and stay cool whilst preventing flashbacks. A small projection in the middle of the tip face also prevents backfires should the tip be inadvertently touched on the job. Spanner adjustment flats milled into the tip, gas pressure and identification stamped on every SHA tip.

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Features: • Concentrated high temperature heat. • Excellent flame stability. • Heavy copper construction helps conduct heat away from tip face, keep the tip cool and prevent flashbacks. • Spanner adjustments milled into ends of Super Heating Tips. • Gas pressure and identification stamped on every tip. • A small projection in the middle of the tip face (8x12 HT, SHA1 and SHA2) prevents backfires should the tip touch the work piece. • Castellations on Super Heating Propane range as an extra resistance to backfire. • Simple design for ease of cleaning.
Features: • Concentrated high temperature heat. • Excellent flame stability. • Heavy copper construction helps conduct heat away from tip face, keep the tip cool and prevent flashbacks. • Spanner adjustments milled into ends of Super Heating Tips. • Gas pressure and identification stamped on every tip. • A small projection in the middle of the tip face (8x12 HT, SHA1 and SHA2) prevents backfires should the tip touch the work piece. • Castellations on Super Heating Propane range as an extra resistance to backfire. • Simple design for ease of cleaning.

Gas Consumption Fuel

Gas Consumption Oxy

Heat Output

Operating Pressure Fuel

Operating Pressure Oxy

