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Atom Arc 12018-M2

SKU: 2621127730

Atom Arc 12018-M2 is a low hydrogen, iron powder all-position electrode specially formulated to meet the more stringent requirements of Military Specification MIL-E-0022200/10 for mechanical properties, low coating moisture and diffusible hydrogen content. Hydrogen coupons analyzed by the gas chromatography method showed an average of 0.026 ml/g of diffusible hydrogen. The average percent by weight […]

Atom Arc 12018-M2 is a low hydrogen, iron powder all-position electrode specially formulated to meet the more stringent requirements of Military Specification MIL-E-0022200/10 for mechanical properties, low coating moisture and diffusible hydrogen content. Hydrogen coupons analyzed by the gas chromatography method showed an average of 0.026 ml/g of diffusible hydrogen. The average percent by weight of coating moisture is 0.07% when removed from a hermetically sealed can and 0.17% after 9 hours exposure at 80ºF (27ºC) and 80% relative humidity.

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